

Hydrating Electrolytes for Health and Wellness

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How to Use Electrolyte Supplements Wisely

Back in the day, doctors prescribed electrolytes to replace essential minerals lost from severe diarrhea or vomiting. Then athletes realized that consuming electrolytes could improve performance. Today, electrolyte supplements have gone mainstream, becoming a billion-dollar industry. Because of this surge in popularity, some manufacturers offer products far from the pure minerals doctors prescribe for recovery from illness.

When choosing an electrolyte supplement, it’s wise to carefully consider why you need it and what’s actually in it. 

All Core Culture® electrolyte supplements promote overall wellness, are gluten-free, vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and have no added sugars. 

You’ll enjoy all-natural, low-carb hydration to replenish electrolytes and fluids lost during strenuous physical performance, hot weather causing excessive sweating, or illness. 

Why Take an Electrolytes Supplement?

You need electrolytes to survive. Electrolytes carry the vital electrical charge that makes your nerves and muscles work. When electrolytes become depleted, your cells don't have a high enough electrical charge to function at optimum levels.

Electrolytes have four main functions in your body. They help:

  • Regulate nerve and muscle function by providing the proper electrical charge in the cells 
  • Hydrate your body by controlling the amount of fluid your cells retain
  • Balance your blood acidity and pressure
  • Rebuild damaged tissue by providing the needed nutrients and electrical charge to speed cell repair and new growth

You may be getting enough of the essential minerals that your cells need for normal function if you’re consuming a healthy diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, maintaining an optimal diet long-term can be tricky. 

Likewise, if you regularly engage in activities that cause excessive fluid loss, you’ll need to replace the electrolytes that leave your system. That's where an electrolyte supplement can come in: by making up for deficits that might come about naturally or through activity, electrolyte supplements can help keep your body on track. 

Contexts where electrolyte supplement drinks or powders are beneficial include: 

  • Intensely exercising for more than 60 minutes
  • Heavy sweating while exercising
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Prolonged heat exposure causing sweating

How to Use Electrolyte Supplements

Electrolyte supplements come in many forms. Sports drinks, gels, and powders are among the most popular options for athletes and at-home users alike.

Powders have the advantage of better affordability than sports drinks and gels. Plus, you can easily add them to water at the beginning of each day or before events, to pre-emptively replenish minerals you might lose later on. You might, for instance, sip on electrolytes lemonade or another electrolyte beverage during long-lasting events like day hikes, marathons, or bike rides. Even after the day or event is over, an electrolyte supplement can help your body recharge and bounce back.

It’s wise to exercise caution when consuming an electrolytes supplement. Too much of any supplement can lead to an imbalance. It’s sometimes difficult to determine if symptoms like dizziness and muscle weakness come from too much or too little electrolyte consumption.

While it’s uncommon to experience any discomfort from drinking electrolytes as directed on labels, if you do notice prolonged side effects, it may be wise to reach out to a healthcare professional.

The Benefits of Different Electrolyte Sources

The best electrolyte sources are natural fruits. Each of nature’s fruits has its own distinct flavor and health benefits. Choose the fruit-based electrolyte powder formula that agrees with your individual needs.

Each powder formula contains essential electrolytes and brings you the benefits of its natural fruit.

Cucumber Electrolytes

Cucumber melons, or cucamelons, are packed full of antioxidants, fiber, Vitamins C, K, and E, and potassium. They also contain beta-carotene and lycopene, an anti-inflammatory and brain booster. Cucumber electrolytes, then, can be helpful for keeping your mind and body in top shape. 

Pink Lemonade Electrolytes

Pink lemons are less acidic than regular lemons but still an excellent vitamin C source. They can reduce inflammation, strengthen your immune system, and boost collagen production for smoother skin.

Dragon Fruit Electrolytes

Dragon fruit is fat-free while being high in fiber. It contains Vitamin C, magnesium, iron, and protein. Dragon fruit may help lower your blood sugar and contains antioxidants and prebiotics that nurture the microorganisms necessary for digestion. 

Orange Electrolytes

Oranges have no fat or sodium and are packed with Vitamins C and A. They may help you make collagen that heals wounds and promotes smooth skin while fighting free radicals and boosting your immune system. Oranges can also help reduce stress-related disorders like anxiety and depression.

Lemon Electrolytes

Lemons are high in Vitamin C while being low in sugar and fat. They may help weight loss while reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, kidney stones, digestive problems, and anemia. 

Unflavored Electrolytes

Sometimes you want only unalloyed electrolytes with no other beneficial substances or flavors. Core Culture® Unflavored Electrolytes give the purists among us precisely what they demand — pure electrolytes.

Electrolytes Supplement FAQs

A great many myths have sprung up around electrolytes. And many manufacturers of sports and energy drinks include high concentrations of sugar, caffeine, or nicotine in their products.

Core Culture® electrolytes supplements provide all-natural, low-carb hydration to replenish lost electrolytes. Our electrolyte powders are gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and non-GMO, with no added sugars or addictive substances

We care about your well-being and are happy to provide honest answers to your most frequently asked questions. 

What Do Electrolyte Supplements Do?

Electrolyte supplements restore vital levels of the electrolytes our cells need to conduct and regulate their electrical function. Nerve and muscle cells, in particular, depend on electrolytes. 

For example, muscle cramping and fatigue can occur when you sweat out too much sodium, calcium, or potassium. Electrolyte supplements replenish these substances, restoring normal function.  

How Often Can I Take Electrolyte Supplements?

It’s safe to drink powdered electrolyte supplements daily. However, you need to be aware of what your supplement contains, as well as your body’s requirements.

Be wary of sports drinks or powders that contain high amounts of sugar. It’s also wise to watch sodium and potassium intakes. If you sweat more, you’ll need more; if you’re sedentary, you’ll need less. 

Who Needs Electrolyte Supplements?

Everyone needs electrolytes to keep their cells’ electrical charge healthy. At times of electrolyte depletion, your body needs supplementation through electrolyte drinks. 

Signs of mild electrolyte depletion include thirst, muscle twitching, muscle cramps, low endurance, craving salt, and irritability. More severe depletion that may require medical attention is indicated by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and a rapid or abnormal heartbeat.

What Electrolyte Supplements Do I Need to Take for Infrared Sauna Detoxing?

Many studies have found that infrared saunas may help with long-lasting health problems such as high blood pressure, heart issues, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and more. Along with aiding relaxation, there are also many reports that infrared saunas leave you feeling light, clean, and clear-headed. 

Saunas work by causing massive sweating. When you sweat, you lose essential electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, calcium, and sodium. 

Consuming an electrolyte drink before and after your detox sauna will keep these critical electrolyte levels up, avoiding that feeling of lethargy and tiredness.  

When to Take Electrolyte Supplements?

A healthy diet, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, is usually enough to provide all the necessary electrolytes. However, there are situations when we just don’t have time to eat right, or when life’s events make electrolyte supplements the wise choice.

Electrolytes boost your health during times when your body is experiencing high fluid loss. Illnesses like diarrhea or severe vomiting require speedy electrolyte replenishment.

Any situation causing prolonged sweating, like exposure to hot weather, physical work, or strenuous exercise increases the need to supplement electrolyte intake. If you know you’ll experience electrolyte loss, it may be wise to consume an electrolyte drink beforehand, so that your body has the nutrients it needs for optimum performance.

You can also consume electrolytes during and after events, to restore the natural function of your cells to optimum performance levels.

Electrolyte Supplements Can Keep You Healthy and Improve Performance

Wise consumption of electrolyte supplements quickly restores mineral loss and your cells’ electrical charge to normal. Consuming electrolytes when needed may alleviate feelings of weakness, muscle cramping, and lightheadedness.

However, you should exercise caution with sports drinks and energy drinks because they often contain high concentrations of sugar or addictive substances. All Core Culture® electrolyte supplements support healthy wellness, are vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and non-GMO, and have no added sugars. 

Our powders provide all-natural, low-carb hydration and replenish your electrolytes and fluids fast, whether you need to recover from illness, hot weather, or strenuous physical performance. Plus, when paired with our other products and delicious recipes, they can support a long-term health and wellness regimen that’s hard to top. 

No matter what your needs may be, you can count on Core Culture® electrolyte supplements to set you up for success now and into the future.